
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Prayer and Forgiveness

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Russell M. Nelson tells us, "The Lord’s Prayer is recorded twice in the New Testament and once in the Book of Mormon. It is also included in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, where clarification is provided:
'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,'
The clarification on forgiveness is supported by other statements of the Master. He said to His servants, 'Inasmuch as you have forgiven one another your trespasses, even so I, the Lord, forgive you.' (Matthew 18) In other words, if one is to be forgiven, one must first forgive."
I am fairly certain this concept can work with our fellowmen, including members of our families, just as it works with our Father in Heaven. 
I have a couple of great friends. Sometimes I do stupid things, and sometimes they do.  In some of my other relationships, I have to worry that I have done something wrong, have possibly hurt them, and that our relationship will change. Not with these dear friends.  We apologize to each other, try not to be stupid another time, and love each other for being imperfect. 
How does this tie in to the Lord's Prayer? 
First of all, we are imperfect.  Without the Atonement, with Christ as our Advocate, we can never hope to attain anything close to perfection.
Second, we have to be active in the relationship with Him.  If we transgress, WHEN we transgress, we must ask for forgiveness and try not to transgress again. We must also being willing to forgive others and be accepting of their imperfections and weaknesses.  If we expect to be treated fairly, we must treat our brothers and sisters fairly.  We will be judged according to how we judge others.  (Yes, my dear children....we have work to to do in this department!!)
Third, our Father loves each of His children, unconditionally.  Just like I know my friends love me unconditionally, just as I love my children unconditionally.  The relationship with Him will never change due to Him.  He is always there.
We could almost see it as an equation....
Love + Forgiveness = The Atonement
Unlike regular math though...all of the factors can be rearranged and the equation still makes sense. 
Atonement + Love = Forgiveness
Atonement + Forgiveness = Love 
There is no negative factor unless we choose not to do the math.

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