I have been reading in John 6, and as usual, found many, many things I would like my children to learn from Christ's example.
We learn:
The miracle of feeding the five thousand
He walked on water
He is the living manna from heaven
Gives life to the world
He is the Messiah.
A passage of scripture stands out -
"...Will ye also go away?"
Elder Neil L. Anderson, who inspired this blog, stated,
"In their own loneliness, do our children know the loneliness the Savior felt as His friends deserted Him and as He asked His Apostles, “Will ye also go away?”
who could communicate face to face with The Father,
could feel lonely, abandoned, and discouraged...
He had the same feelings and emotions as we do.
He can understand.
Imagine what he went through prior to speaking these words...
"Will ye also go away?"
People wanted something from him...they had heard that he could heal...
He blessed, fed, and taught those who sought him...
He calmed the winds and calmed fears...
He saw through the people who were with him just to have their physical needs fed, and wished they could look beyond today and see eternity...
He had many leave him, because they would not meet his standard.
Imagine how tired he must have been when he said...
"Will ye also go away?"
It seems like weekly, sometimes daily, one of my children come to me with these same feelings about friends, and probably even about me.
They seem so tired...
People...teachers...friends...siblings...parents...will want something from us ...
We work to please them, feed them, council and help them...
Sometimes we even calm the winds and their fears...
Some people are only in our lives for a short time, and not always for the right reasons.But do they leave because they cannot meet our standard...or because we can't meet their's?
I hope my children will understand, as their Savior understood, that while at times they may feel lonely, abandoned, or discouraged, they can be blessed, fed, and taught with their "desire to keep (his) sayings" (JST John 6:26)
That they will hold to the standards they have been taught.
He has shown them how.
"Will ye also go away?"
He won't
He won't
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