The life of Jesus Christ shows a constant example of patience, long-suffering, and endurance. Each attribute demonstrated in Gethsemane - "He truly suffered and bore and endured all things." (Oaks)
O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:
nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.
Matthew 26:39
Even at the most difficult of times, Christ gives "us the example and a frame of reference for a life of obedience and perseverance, despite circumstances or external conditions in which we could find ourselves."How many times do we conclude our prayers with, “Let this cup pass from me”?
(I think I do daily, almost as if I am wishing my life away instead of patiently persevering, or more importantly...enjoying the simple moments.)
"Under circumstances when the symbolic cup might represent sickness, pain, anxiety, unemployment, or the suffering of a loved one, are we able to continue our prayer with, “Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”? This very word, this key word nevertheless, conveys the firm conviction that we are placing everything in the hands of the Lord." (The journey is made easier when we place everything...not just the hands of the Lord. Satan would have us believe otherwise.
He would have us trust in our own understanding, to forge our own path...
He relishes in the mistakes we make; he loves when we are impatient with ourselves, our children, and our journey here on Earth.)
"When at times on life’s journey it becomes our lot to travel with the criticism of skeptics, the hate of some, the rejection of others, the impatience of many, or a friend’s betrayal, we must be able to pray in such a manner that an abiding faith and a strong testimony that the Lord will be with us to the end will compel us to say, “Nevertheless, Father, Thy will be done, and with Thy help, in patience I will follow firmly on the path that takes me back to Thee.” (Abrea) Sources
Ensign 2006 November,The Power of Patience, Elder Robert C. Oaks of the Seventy
Ensign 1992 May, Patience in Affliction, Elder Angel Abrea of the Seventy
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