Last Sunday's lesson asked..
"If you could meet anyone in the New Testament besides Jesus, whom would you want to meet?
Why would you want to meet that person?"
Many names come to mind...
John the Baptist
Mary, the Mother of Christ
Joseph, his Earthly Father
Peter, James, John
Mary Magdalene
the Woman at the Well
the Shepherds and Wise Men
So many who were first hand witnesses of His life and teachings! How would I choose?
I find myself wondering who I would relate more to?
Those who, like the nice lepers, knew He was a great man and wanted something from him but went their way or more like the one leper who gave thanks and was truly changed?
Would I be the one complaining about doing all the work or the one listening to his words?
Would I be the one washing my hands of the things I had done, one of the crowd who condemned, or one who mourned the scourging and crucifixion of He who is the Savior of all?
Sometimes I feel I have a part of all of them inside me, weaving the tapestry of my life with dull hues of the unrighteous, pale tones of the weak, and glimmers of brightness in the pattern. I hope through the year of studying His life and teachings, I can become brighter, like Elisabeth, Mary, Joseph, and those who have shown the path of diligence. Maybe when I look back over my work for the year, I will see the dull and the pale hardly noticeable when compared to the hues that Christ has woven into my life.
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